Sunday, January 29, 2017

Honest Talk about GMOs

                            Honest Talk about GMOs

There's been renewed debate in GMOs after the test launch of a GM apple that doesn't brown, called Arctic Apple. This debate, however, reveals the discourse between professional scientists and the public. A Pew Research Poll found that 88 percent of scientists view GMOs are just as safe as non-GM food. However, the GMO debate rages even with the scientific consensus that we have. Anti GMO advocates say that GMOs could have negative effects on human health. However, multiple studies found that GMOs have little to no health effects. And it's not just biotech corporations that say that GMOs are safe. Scientists like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye have acknowledged that GMOs are just as safe as non-GMO food. In fact, after realizing that GMOs are just as safe as non-GMO food, Bill Nye plans in the next edition of one of his books Undeniable to change the chapter on GMOs. He's now changing the chapter to show that GMOs pose no greater risk then non-GMOs. If you're still not convinced that GMO food just as safe as non-GMO food here's a video by Healthcare Triage showing that studies that show GMO food poses no greater risk then non-GMO food.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Q & A with The Skeptical Guy

Q & A with The Skeptical Guy

1. Q: Who I am? A: A guy who has a love of science and a hating towards pseudoscience who's doing a small part in fighting pseudoscience

2. Q: Why  you do have a strong hatred towards pseudoscience? A: Some pseudosciences like anti vaccination, alternative "medicine", and AIDS denialism (yes that's a thing) can put people other ones lives at risk. One's like climate change denial will have dire effects on the planet. Some like UFO's and Bigfoot are just baffling. So in the end there know single answer to why I hate pseudoscience .
3. Q: Why are doing this blog? A: I'm doing this blog to help play a part in fighting pseudoscience.