Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Flaws of Homeopathy

This post is about homeopathy and its many flaws and its creation. For those who do not know, homeopathy is the practice of treating aliments by using diluted substances that in their undiluted form would cause similar symptoms of the aliment in healthy people. The problem with homeopathy is that its principle is based in pseudoscience. So, in this essay I’ll be showing the flaws in homeopathy and why it does not work as an effective treatment.           
Homeopathy was created by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann was alive in era before germ theory was developed, back then the main hypothesis on the cause of diseases was that there was an imbalance in the four humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm). Hahnemann did not believe the four humors hypothesis but rather believed that diseases were caused by miasmas. Hahnemann’s miasmas hypothesis was that medications did not cure diseases but rather suppressed the symptoms; this would cause said diseases to go to internal organs of the patient.[1]
Nowadays homeopathy is touted as an all-natural medication to be used along modern medicine. This was because in the 19th century germ theory was developed and led to a decline in the four humors and miasmas theories. Many homeopathic practitioners stared marketing homeopathic treatments as a complimentary medication to modern medicine. This was done because modern medicine was still new idea and some people still rejected it and had a distrust of it. To justify homeopathy many people turned to anecdotal evidence and pseudoscientific methods.
   The first major problem with homeopathy is the dilution process, which is the practice of taking a substance which can cause similar symptoms of the aliment in healthy people. This is done by diluting the substance with water over 30 times, also known as 30C. This is an issue because a dilution of 30C is very unlikely to contain a single molecule of the original substance. On the other hand, a homeopathic remedy may contain too much of the original substance which can cause adverse effects, which can sometimes be serious[2].
Another problem with homeopathy is that many studies, including one meta-analysis by Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council, found that hemopathy works no better than a placebo[3]. This is a problem because even if the user believes the treatment, the placebo effect doesn’t always happen. This can be a problem because if the patient is using a homeopathic remedy as the only treatment for a fatal disease or a choric disease they won’t see improvement in their condition.
 In conclusion homeopathy can be tied to pseudoscience in general. This is because homeopathy was founded on an outdated and scientifically disproven idea. It uses anecdotal evidence rather than data and was created before germ theory, which changed medicine drastically. Homeopathy can even be dangerous if used as the only treatment for serious and chronic diseases. Homeopathy also has little regulation which means sometimes a homeopathic remedy can have too much of the substance, and it means homeopathic practitioners can make false claims about their product as long as they include a blurb reading: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”[4]  And those are the reasons why homeopathy is flawed, can be dangerous, and can be firmly classified as a pseudoscience.                                                                


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